Pack 353 - Leader Handbook



Webelos Den Leader image          Tiger Cub Den Leader badge

Every boy deserves a trained Leader !!


September 20, 2005

Charles Hebert – Pack Trainer, Asst Cubmaster

Table of Contents

The Cub Scout Den Leader Role.. 4

Qualifications. 4

Responsibilities. 4

Cub Scouts Introduction.. 6

What Is Cub Scouts?. 6

The Purposes of Cub Scouting.. 6

Membership. 6

Meetings.. 7

Pack Meetings. 7

Den Meetings. 7

Pack Committee & Leader Meeting.. 8

Den Meetings Ideas. 8

Scout Spirit – It’s a Team thing! 10

Advancement.. 11

Advancement Overview.. 11

Specific Advancement Requirments. 12

Reporting Advancement. 12

Advancement Policies. 13

Uniform Guide.. 14

When And How To Wear The Uniform - The Basics. 14

Tiger Cubs. 14

Cub Scouts. 14

Webelos Scouts. 16

Insignia Guide. 17

Den Uniform Inspection.. 20

Activities.. 21

Age-Appropriate Guidelines for Scouting Activities. 21

Guide to Safe Scouting.. 23

Camping & Overnight Trips. 24

Water Activities. 24

Council & District Leader Training.. 25

Youth Protection Training – Online. 25

Fast Start Training – Online. 25

Basic Indoor Leader Training.. 25

Basic Outdoor Leader Training.. 25

Other Training Opportunities. 26

Scouts with Disabilities.. 27

Advancement and Recognition.. 28

Cub Scout Activities. 28

Web Resources.. 30

Appendix – Files On CD.. 31

 The Cub Scout Den Leader Role


If residing in this country but not a citizen of the United States, agrees to abide by the Scout Oath and Law, to respect and obey the laws of the United States of America, and to subscribe to the BSA statement of religious principle. Is at least 21 years of age and of good moral character. Should be interested in and enjoy working with boys and be able to work with adults. May be a parent or guardian of a boy in the den. Recommended by the Cubmaster after consultation with parents and guardians of the Cub Scouts involved, and approved by the pack committee and chartered organization. Registered as an adult leader of the BSA.


The Cub Scout den leader's responsibilities are to

  • Give leadership in carrying out the pack program in the den.
  • Complete Cub Scout den leader Fast Start Training and position-specific Basic Leader Training. Attend monthly roundtables.
  • Lead the den in its participation at pack meetings. Serve as den host or hostess for den family members at pack meetings.
  • Work in harmony with other den and pack leaders.
  • Help the Cubmaster (or assistant Cubmaster) and pack committee recruit new boys throughout the year.
  • Help train the den chief and guide him in working with Cub Scouts. See that he receives recognition for his efforts at den and pack meetings.
  • Attend the monthly den chief planning meeting for den leaders, assistant den leaders, and den chiefs.
  • With the assistant den leader, meet with the den chief and let him help plan den meetings and den activities; allow him to serve as den activities assistant.
  • Provide meaningful jobs for the denner and assistant denner so that they can learn responsibility and gain satisfaction from their efforts.
  • Use Boys' Life and Scouting magazines, Cub Scout Program Helps, the boys' handbooks, and other Cub Scouting literature as sources for program ideas.
  • Collect weekly den dues and turn them in to the pack treasurer at the monthly pack leaders' meetings. Keep accurate records of den dues and attendance.
  • Maintain a friendly relationship with Cub Scouts; encourage them to earn advancement awards. Keep accurate advancement records and see that boys receive recognition for their achievements.
  • Stimulate the Cub Scouts' imaginations on the program theme for the month and help the den prepare its stunts and exhibits for the pack meeting.
  • Promote the religious emblems program.
  • Help the den and pack earn the National Summertime Pack Award.
  • Help establish a close working relationship with the assistant den leader and den chief, functioning as a den leadership team.
  • Develop and maintain a good working relationship and open communication with den families. Use their talents to help enrich the den program. Hold den adults' meetings as often as needed to get acquainted with family members and strengthen den operation.
  • Involve den fathers, uncles, and grandfathers in outings and other den activities so that boys will have additional male role models.
  • See that a leader is available for all den meetings and activities. Call on the assistant den leader to fill in when necessary.
  • Take part in the annual pack program planning conference and pack leaders' meetings.
  • Help set a good example for the boys through behavior, attitude, and proper uniforming.
  • Support the policies of the BSA.


The main responsibilities of the Cub Scout den leader can be summarized as follows:

  • Work directly with other den and pack leaders to ensure that their den is an active and successful part of the pack.
  • Plan, prepare for, and conduct den meetings with the assistant den leader and den chief.
  • Attend the pack leaders' meetings.
  • Lead the den at the monthly pack activity.

Cub Scouts Introduction


What Is Cub Scouts?
In 1930 the Boy Scouts of America launched a home- and neighborhood-centered program for boys 9 to 11 years of age. A key element of the program is an emphasis on caring, nurturing relationships between boys and their parents, adult leaders, and  friends. Currently, Cub Scouting is the largest of the BSA's three membership divisions. (The others are Boy Scouting and Venturing.)


The Purposes of Cub Scouting
Cub Scouting has nine purposes, to:

  • Positively influence character development and encourage spiritual growth 
  • Help boys develop habits and attitudes of good citizenship 
  • Encourage good sportsmanship and pride in growing strong in mind and body 
  • Improve understanding within the family 
  • Strengthen boys' ability to get along with other boys and respect other people 
  • Foster a sense of personal achievement by helping boys develop new interests and skills 
  • Show how to be helpful and do one's best 
  • Provide fun and exciting new things to do 
  • Prepare boys to become Boy Scouts

Cub Scouting has program components for boys in the first through fifth grades (or ages 7, 8, 9, or 10). Members join a Cub Scout pack and are assigned to a den, usually a neighborhood group of six to twelve boys. Most dens meet twice per month for regular meetings.

Once a month, all of the dens and family members gather for a pack meeting under the direction of a Cubmaster and pack committee. The committee includes parents of boys in the pack and members of the chartered organization and all Leaders in the pack.




Pack Meetings

        Generally, pack meetings are held to recognize and reward dens and individuals for their good Cub Scouting endeavors. They are sort of pep rallies to generate enthusiasm for the rest of the program. If you think about it carefully, not much real Cub Scouting takes place at a pack meeting but instead it is the introduction to all the rest of the program: the den meetings, the home and family activities, the service projects, outdoor action, and even to the Boy Scout program. You might think of pack meetings as the gateway to Scouting. Without pack meetings, those other things might not happen at all.

  The pack meeting must provide an arena for your dens to show their stuff. Strong dens perform regularly at pack meetings in ceremonies, skits and other activities that can be seen and appreciated by parents. When den leaders and Cub Scouts look forward to their parts in an upcoming pack extravaganza the den meetings take on a focus and excitement that just makes Cub Scouting fun. When dens have no part in pack meetings, they tend to fill their den programs with rank advancement - this, in turn replaces the family and parent participation. This can weaken the whole program and structure of the pack.

Pack meetings are held the last Monday of the month at Burnt Hickory Baptist Church and begin at 7:00pm. (Please see the calendar)  The meeting time and place will not change without prior notification.  Changes may be due to holiday, school vacation, or other Pack, District or Council commitments.


One parent must attend the Pack Meeting with the Scout unless other arrangements have been made in advance with the Den Leader.  Other family members, siblings and guests are always welcome and encouraged to attend.  The control of the siblings is the responsibility of the parents and not the Den Leaders.  Pack meeting rules must be followed by all in attendance; parents, siblings and guests included

Den Meetings

Den meetings are the heart of Cub Scouting. This is where all the work toward advancement happens. This is where individual relationships are formed and teams are built and strengthened. This is where you get to know your boys and they get to know you. Make sure all the boys know each person in their den. Use name tags until every boy can name each member. Den meetings should be planned and structured. In the next section there are many ideas on fun things to do at your den meetings. There is also a den meeting planning document on the resource CD attached to this document. Most important thing about a den meeting is that everybody should have FUN!!!

Den Leader (s) conducts meetings with additional help from parent volunteers and occasionally a Boy Scout from a local Troop may assist as a Den Chief.  Rooms are available at Burnt Hickory Baptist Church (submit your request to the Committee Chair).


For Tiger Cubs, the adult partner must accompany the Tiger Cub to each meeting.  The adult partners help with planning and running of a Den meeting under the direction of the Tiger Den Leader.  Monthly field trips to locations associated with the monthly Cub Scout theme are encouraged.  Active participation in the monthly Pack meetings is also expected.


Field trips may be held as planned by the Den Leader or Scout parents. A Local Tour Permit (LTP) may be required (contact the Committee Chair to check).  Failure to complete tour permits may void the blanket insurance honored by the BSA.  Two adults must be present at every Den Meeting and function.  No exception - this is the BSA two-deep leadership policy.

Once a time and location are agreed upon be consistent. Create a schedule for the year and pass it on to parents - this will ensure better participation.

Pack Committee & Leader Meeting

The Pack Committee plans and runs the Cub Scout program under BSA guidelines.  Committee members and Pack Leaders meet the third Tuesday evening of every month at Burnt Hickory Baptist Church.  Pack policies, future events and activities, coming Pack meetings, Pack administration, and a review of previous events are discussed at these meetings.  The Den Leader or Assistant for each den is required to attend these meetings. All parents are welcome and are encouraged to attend these meetings.

Den Meetings Ideas

100+ Den Meeting Ideas

Boys put on sample Den Meeting for parents
Indoor track meet
Practice physical fitness by playing games
Visit newspaper
Visit telephone company
Visit TV station
Visit a nearby state park
Visit a factory
Visit elderly folks & share a craft
Visit fire station
Visit a local historical attraction
Visit the zoo
Visit a library
Visit a weather station
Visit an aquarium
Visit a farm
Visit a water treatment plant
Visit an electricity plant
Visit an airport
Visit police station
Sack lunch picnic
Kickball game, using ball of rags or feathers
Den bowling tournament
Disabled guest speaks to den
Dads take den to a sporting event
Science teacher shows fun projects
Ice/roller skating party
Parent guest speaker - special hobby
Parent guest speaker - about profession
Backyard sunrise breakfast
Work on achievements everyone needs
Night meeting to star gaze
Dinosaur Day - each boy brings his favorite
Model Day - each boy brings his best
Geography Day - make maps and walk to local points of interest
Joke Day - each boy tells a few jokes
Microscope Day - each boy brings something to look at
Pet Day - each boy brings a pet
Telephone Day - Boys stay home & call each other passing on relay messages on a pre-arranged plan
Game-Making Day - den makes games for Game Chest
Bring a Friend Day - a new recruit?
Magic Day - each boy does a magic trick
Collection Day - each boy brings a collection
Treasure Hunt
Scavenger Hunt for Cub Scout things
Marble shooting contest
Den uniform inspection
Bike safety inspection
Bike rodeo
Build models using Legos

Bird-watching Hike
Mix, bake, frost & eat cupcakes
Sidewalk race pinewood derby cars
Meet with another den
HS Athlete speaker
Go fishing at nearby pond
Bait-casting practic in backyard
Campfire - roast hotdogs & marshmallows
Boy Scout speaks about Jamboree
Boy Scout speaks about Camporees
Play charades
Mother & Son swim party
Start/make a den scrapbook
Plant a vegetable/flower garden
Photographer visits & shows developing process
Make puppets for a hand show
Rent a video & operate a mini-theater for family
Go rock collecting
Make Mother's Day gifts
Plan a skit for den to do in classroom during SUFS week
Make neckerchief slides
Make costumes for a skit or Halloween
Liar's Contest
Buid a paper-mache town, fort, Indian camp
Find hazards in a nearby two-block area
Cubmaster speaks to den about making the most of Scouting
Make Christmas card collage
Sports contests (ping-pong, badminton, free-throw shooting, golf, etc.)
Fashion animals out of clay
Build a den window display
Build simple bird-houses
Make sailboats & race on a small pond
Make hats
Jump rope contest
Catch & identify butterflies
Scrambled Cub Scout words games
Go to baseball game
Play ball against another den
Grow crystals
Service project for church or school
Learn a game new to everyone
Learn about Scouts in other countries
Make a family tree & family flag
Learn about different religions
Sing songs
Compose new song using a favorite tune
Learn to tie simple knots
Go to a movie together
Take a themed hike
Attend Summer Day camp
Put on simple carnival for siblings
Den writes & performs its own skit
Session on First Aid


Scout Spirit – It’s a Team thing!

What do you think of when you say “Scout Spirit”? Scout spirit isn’t an individual thing. It’s a team thing. It’s what you and your boys develop when you build a strong team. This starts at the den level. This scout spirit comes from that special bond that develops when you build and execute activities that build up your team. And as in all scouting programs those activities follow the Cub Scout motto: “Do your best”.

Not everybody can be a sports star, hit home runs, score goals or even make straight A’s in school but every boy can be a star and get excited about cub scouts.

How to promote scout spirit in your den.

            Den Flags – Create a den flag. Always bring it to every event. Have your boys always sit or gather around it. (Make a stand too)

            Cheers – Have your boys learn a few cheers. Make sure they have fun doing it and have them memorized.

            Songs – Teach your boys a few songs. Use the Pack songbook or find some of your own. Cubs love to sing silly songs.

            Skits – Get a skit that all your boys can participate in and be ready to do it at a pack meeting or campout.


Advancement Overview

The easiest way to plan advancement activities is to sit down with your assistant den leaders and plan out your year. Sit down before the meeting and review the book or advancement spreadsheet and understand the requirements that need to be accomplished. If you don’t understand please ask. There are a number of den leaders from previous years who have been through these programs before. Decide what requirements for rank and belt loops you want to work on during meetings and what the boys need to work on at home with their families. Be clear with parents what they should be helping their sons with. Parents and leaders can sign-off on any requiremnts in the books so keep the boys books up-to-date with your records. Encourage the boys to bring their books to all den meetings. The bottom line is Understand, Plan and Communicate…………

Tiger Cubs

Tiger Cub

Tiger Cubs is a simple and fun program for first-grade boys and their families. Tiger Cubs introduces boys and their adult partners to the excitement of Cub Scouting as they "Search, Discover, and Share" together.

Tiger Cubs is conducted on two levels. First, the Tiger Cub and his adult partner meet in the home to conduct activities for the whole family. Second, the Tiger Cub and his adult partner meet twice a month with other Tiger Cubs and adult partners in the den, using the planned "big idea" (or theme) for their activity during one of the meetings. Each den meeting is hosted by a Tiger Cub-adult partner team.  Tiger Cubs follows a school-year cycle. Boys remain in Tiger Cubs until they complete first grade. At that time, they graduate into a Wolf den and are eligible to participate in Cub Scout summer activities, including Cub Scout Day Camp.

Bobcat Rank


All Cub Scouts above the Tiger Cubs rank must first earn the Bobcat badge before they can work on their requirements for the rank for their age, whether they are joining Cub Scouts as a Wolf, Bear or Webelos Scout. Tiger Cubs earn the Tiger Cub rank, then the Bobcat rank.

Wolf Rank


The Wolf rank is a part of the program aimed at second graders, or those seven years of age.

To earn the Wolf badge a Cub Scout must complete 49 out of a possible 62 tasks that are offered in the Wolf Cub Scout Book - if the Cub Scout has not previously earned the Bobcat badge, it must be earned first. Wolf activities are primarily done at home, and then signed off by the parent after the boy has completed each task. The boy's Wolf Cub Scout Book is then shown to the Den Leader, who records his progress and also signs the boy's book.

Once a Cub Scout has earned his Wolf badge, he may work towards earning Arrow Points. While he may work on these at any time, he cannot receive them until after he has earned the Wolf badge.

Bear Rank


The Bear rank is a part of the program aimed at third graders, or those eight years of age.

To earn the Bear badge a Cub Scout must complete 12 out of a possible 24 tasks that are offered in the Bear Cub Scout Book - if the Cub Scout has not previously earned the Bobcat badge, it must be earned first. Bear activities are primarily done at home, and then signed off by the parent after the boy has completed each task, and are grouped in four major areas: God, Country, Family and Self. The boy's Bear Cub Scout Book is then shown to the Den Leader, who records his progress and also signs the boy's book.

Once a Cub Scout has earned his Bear badge, he may work towards earning Arrow Points. While he may work on these at any time, he cannot receive them until after he has earned the Bear badge.


Webelos (oval)

Arrow of Light

The Webelos rank is a part of the program aimed at fourth and fifth graders, or those nine or ten years of age, and is aimed at preparing the Cub Scout for the adventure of being a Boy Scout.

To earn the Webelos badge, a Cub Scout must earn specific activity badges, as well as participate in several activities with his den. He must also understand and adhere to some of the requirements of the Boy Scout, all of which are outlined in the Webelos Scout Book - if the Cub Scout has not previously earned the Bobcat badge, it must be earned first. Webelos activities, unlike those of the lower ranks, are primarily done in the den and signed off by his Webelos Den Leader, who also records his progress.

Once he has earned his Webelos badge and met certain requirements, the Webelos Scout earns his Compass Points Emblem, and then proceeds to his Compass Points.

The final, and highest, award the Webelos Scout can achieve is the Arrow of Light Award. This award tells everyone the Webelos Scout is ready to be a Boy Scout. Only Webelos are eligible to earn this award, which is one of the few awards that may be displayed throughout a Scout's life, both as a boy and an adult.

Specific Advancement Requirments


Cub Advancement Requirements(

Cub Belt Loop and Pin Requirements(


Reporting Advancement

All advancement must be reported monthly via email to the advancement chair one week prior to a pack meeting or at the leaders meeting.  This gives the advancement chair the chance to sort all advancement and purchase awards for the monthly pack meetings.

Use the following file located on the Leader resource CD or Pack website to report advancement:

Monthly Advancement.xls

Advancement Policies

1. All advancement belt loops and pins requirements can only be completed while a registered member of Pack 353.

2. Awards for boys not present at the monthly pack meetings will be given to the den leaders to be awarded at the next den meeting. Only rank advancement will be carried over to the next pack meeting.

3. Den Leaders (or assistants) must be present at each pack meeting to organize and supervise your den during advancement presentations.

4. Any mistakes in awards should be held until after the pack meeting and coordinated between the den leader and advancement chair.

5. A boy is eligible to repeat requirements for belt loops every year but will only be awarded a particular belt loop once while in Pack 353. Instead of earning multiple belt loops each boy is encouraged to earn other belt loops and associated pins.

Our 2005-2006 Pack Advancement Chair is:

Suzanne Meyers

[email protected]

Uniform Guide

When And How To Wear The Uniform - The Basics


The official uniforms are intended primarily for use in connection with scouting activities. They should be worn to all unit events, and may be worn to school, church, or any family function. The uniform may also be worn while participating in a money-earning project if approved by the local council. It may be worn when selling tickets to such events as scouting shows that are approved by the council.

The uniform may not be worn by either Scouts or adult leaders when:

  • Involved in any distinctly political endeavor
  • Appearing on the stage professionally without special approval from the National Executive Board
  • Taking part in parades, except when rendering service as a Scout or leader or when officially representing the Boy Scouts of America
  • Participating in demonstrations not authorized by the Boy Scouts of America

All uniforms, badges, and insignia of the Boy Scouts of America may be used only by members of the Boy Scouts of America who are registered and in good standing. No alteration of or addition to the official uniform, badges, or insignia, or the rules and regulations covering the wearing of the uniform, may be authorized by anyone except the National Executive Board. Badges awarded by organizations other than the Boy Scouts of America may not be worn on the official uniform. (Exceptions: Historic Trails Award and religious emblems) (See Rules and Regulations of the Boy Scouts of America and the Insignia Guide for additional information on uniform rules and regulations.)


Tiger Cubs
The Tiger Cub wears the traditional blue Cub Scout uniform with the Tiger Cub cap and belt; they may also wear the optional orange Tiger Cub T-shirt with the Tiger Cub emblem on the front as an activity shirt. Tiger Cub adult partners may optionally wear the adult Tiger Cub T-shirt or sweatshirt. Tiger Cub Den Leaders wear the official Cub Scout leader uniform with the Tiger Cub cap and leader neckerchief.

Tiger Cubs may also wear the immediate recognition kit on their pocket.



Cub Scouts
Tiger, Wolf, Bear and Webelos Scouts wear the familiar blue uniform. They may optionally wear the appropriate cap for their rank and/or belt. Cub Scout Leaders wear the official Cub Scout leader uniform with the leader neckerchief or bolo.

The Cub Scout wears his den number below the flag emblem on the right sleeve. Webelos Scouts may wear a patrol emblem in place of the den number if the den and pack have elected to use Webelos patrols.




Tiger neckerchief, slide and cap





Wolf neckerchief, slide and cap

Bear neckerchief, slide and cap

Webelos neckerchief, slide and cap




Webelos Scouts

Optional Tan/Olive Uniform
Webelos Scouts may optionally wear the Boy Scout tan/olive uniform, wearing the blue Cub Scout shoulder loops on the epaulets.

Placement of insignia is the same as with the blue Cub Scout uniform, although the Webelos Scout may elect to use the plastic sleeve to hold their Cub Scout badges of rank on the left pocket (this holder is not intended for use by other Cub Scouts). If the Webelos Scout elects to wear the new oval Webelos badge, it is worn without other Cub Scout rank insignia and is attached to the left pocket.

Webelos neckerchief, slide and cap









Insignia Guide


The uniform comes with the flag emblem already attached. The remaining patches on the right sleeve are placed in relation to the flag patch.

Den Number (right sleeve)
This patch should be placed centered below and touching the flag patch.

Quality Unit Award (right sleeve)
If worn, this patch should be placed centered on the flag patch, with the top of the Quality Unit Award located four inches (4") below the shoulder seam. Only one Quality Unit Award may be worn on the uniform.

CSP (left sleeve)
The Council Shoulder Patch should be centered on the sleeve, touching the shoulder seam.

Veteran Unit Bar (left sleeve)
When worn, should be centered below and touching the CSP; these bars are available for 25, 50, 55 or 60 years.

Unit Number (left sleeve)
Worn centered below and touching the CSP (or Veteran Unit Bar, if worn).

Denner/Assistant Denner Cords (left sleeve)
These cords are worn over the left shoulder.

Webelos Scout Options (right sleeve)

Patrol Patch
Optionally, the Webelos Scout may wear a patrol patch in place of the den number patch. If this is done, the patch should be placed centered below and touching the flag patch.

Webelos Colors
The Webelos colors may also be worn on the right sleeve, either attached immediately below the flag or, if worn, immediately below the den number or patrol emblem. If the colors are worn, any activity pin(s) the Scout has earned should be attached to them.


Right Pocket
The uniform comes with the BSA patch already attached above the right pocket.

National Summertime Award
If worn, this pin should be placed centered on the pocket flap above the button.

Temporary Insignia
Not necessary for uniform inspections, but if worn should be centered on the pocket.

Tiger Cubs BSA Strip
Not used anymore

Recruiter Strip
When worn centered immediately below and touching either the bottom of the pocket or the Tiger Cubs BSA strip.

Tiger Cub Option

Tiger Cubs Immediate Recognition Kit
When worn, attached to the button of the right pocket, with the flap buttoned.

Wolf/Bear Cub Option

Progress Towards Ranks
When worn, attached to the button of the right pocket, with the flap buttoned.

Webelos Scout Option

Compass Points Emblem
When worn, attached to the button of the right pocket, with the flap buttoned.


Left Pocket

World Crest
Worn centered between the left shoulder seam and the top of the left pocket.

Medals or Knots
Worn centered above the left pocket, touching the top of the pocket flap. The order in which these awards are worn is at the wearer's discretion and a maximum of five medals may be worn at a time. Please note that the only knots that may be worn by a Cub Scout are the religious emblem, lifesaving and meritorious award knots.

Service Stars
Worn centered above the left pocket, either 3/8" above the left pocket or immediately above any medals or knots. Cub Scouts use gold background disks behind their service stars, including Tiger Cub service.

Rank Badges
Cub Scouts wear the ranks which they have earned, including Tiger, Bobcat, Wolf and Bear. Webelos Scouts wear only their current badge of rank (Bobcat, Wolf, Bear or Webelos) centered on the pocket; for exceptions to this, see below.

Arrow Points
Gold Arrow Points are worn beneath the pocket, centered below the rank for which they were earned. Silver Arrow Points are worn in double rows below their respective Gold Arrow Points.

Webelos Scout Options

Webelos Scouts Without Tiger Rank (blue shirt)
Webelos Scouts who have not earned the Tiger rank may wear all other ranks on their uniform as depicted at the left.


Webelos Scouts Without Tiger Rank (tan shirt)
Webelos Scouts who have not earned the Tiger rank may wear all other ranks on their uniform as depicted at the left. Note that a temporary rank holder is available for displaying these ranks; this avoids sewing the rank patches on the tan shirt, which may cause an unwanted appearance to the shirt when the boy wears the uniform with the oval patches for Webelos or, later, Boy Scout ranks.


Oval Webelos Scouts Rank Patch (tan shirt)
Webelos Scouts may elect to wear the oval Webelos Scout rank patch in place of the diamond shaped patch. When this option is selected, no other Cub Scout rank patches are worn on the uniform.

Arrow of Light
Typically worn on the tan shirt; this award is worn centered below the pocket.


Den Uniform Inspection

Den uniform inspections should be held several times each year. A den chief can be of assistance in helping to check the boys' uniforms against the official inspection sheet or illustrations on the inside covers of the boys' books for insignia placement. Two or three weeks prior to the pack's uniform inspection, boys are given copies of the Cub Scout and Webelos Scout Uniform Inspection Sheet to take home. With help from their families, they check to be sure their uniforms are correct, with insignia properly placed. Then about a week before the pack inspection, a den uniform inspection is held to make certain everything is in order. The boys bring their inspection sheets to the pack meeting so they can be marked by the person in charge of the pack inspection. Inspection sheets are included on your Pack leader resource CD or on the Pack website link below.

Cub & Webelos Uniform Guide


Age-Appropriate Guidelines for Scouting Activities

Age- and rank-appropriate guidelines have been developed based on the mental, physical, emotional, and social maturity of Boy Scouts of America youth members. These guidelines apply to Cub Scout packs, Boy Scout troops, Varsity Scout teams, and Venturing crews. Review the Guide to Safe Scouting on the Leader Resource CD or pack website for more details.

Guide to Safe Scouting

Tiger Cubs
(With Adult Partner)

Cub Scouts


Boy Scouts

Older Boy Scouts,
Varsity Scouts,
and Venturers












Visit Only


Conservation Projects


Cooking Outdoors




Fire Building






Fueled Devices







Hiking—Multiple Day





Horseback Riding








Venturers Only

Map and Compass

Map Only


Mountain Bike Day Rides




Cross-Country Travel















Rope Bridges*


Survival Training





Winter Camping





* Check requirements for height restrictions.


Tiger Cubs
(With Adult Partner)

Cub Scouts


Boy Scouts

Older Boy Scouts,
Varsity Scouts,
and Venturers


Field/Wide Games


Flag Football




Ice Hockey


Ice Skating


Martial Arts—Defensive





Roller Blades/Skates












Street Hockey






Tiger Cubs
(With Adult Partner)

Cub Scouts


Boy Scouts

Older Boy Scouts,
Varsity Scouts,
and Venturers







Bow Saws




Hand Ax





Hand Tools




Power Tools






Tiger Cubs
(With Adult Partner)

Cub Scouts


Boy Scouts

Older Boy Scouts,
Varsity Scouts,
and Venturers







Bike Treks—Day Ride




Bike Treks—Multiple Overnights





Horse Treks






Search and Rescue Missions






Search and Rescue Practice





Ski Touring—Multiple Days
and Nights Carrying Gear






Tiger Cubs
(With Adult Partner)

Cub Scouts


Boy Scouts

Older Boy Scouts,
Varsity Scouts,
and Venturers


.22 Rifle










Archery—Target, Action
(Moving targets)

Council/District Outdoor Programs Only


BB Guns

Council/District Outdoor Programs Only










Council/District Outdoor Programs Only



Tiger Cubs
(With Adult Partner)

Cub Scouts


Boy Scouts

Older Boy Scouts,
Varsity Scouts,
and Venturers


Canoeing—Flat Water

Council/District Outdoor Programs Only


Canoeing—Flowing Water





Kayaking—Flat Water



Outdoor Programs Only


Kayaking—Flowing Water





Motorboating—Adult Operated


Council/District Outdoor Programs Only


Motorboating—Youth Operated





Rafting—Flat Water

Council/District Outdoor Programs Only


Rafting—Flowing Water





Rowing—Flat Water





Rowing—Flowing Water










Sailing—Adult Operated

Council/District Outdoor Programs Only


Sailing—Youth Operated





Discover Scuba Training











Snorkeling (For swimmers only)



















Tiger Cubs
(With Adult Partner)

Cub Scouts


Boy Scouts

Older Boy Scouts,
Varsity Scouts,
and Venturers









Caving (Other than simple
novice activities)






or Horizontal Wall







Climbing—Vertical Wall or Tower




Initiative Games


Lead Climbing






Project COPE




A Few Low-Course
and High-Course







Snow and Ice Climbing






See attached document (age appropriate chart.pdf) included on your Pack leader resource CD or on the pack website

Guide to Safe Scouting

          Guide to Safe Scouting

Camping & Overnight Trips


All camping and overnight trips, except for those conducted at council or district level events, must be approved by the Pack committee and the committee chair prior to conducting the event. The event must follow guidelines prescribed in the Safe guide to scouting. Also, at least one adult must have the Indoor and outdoor leader training certification. The den leader must complete BSA Trip permits and have it approved by the Pack committee chair and then submitted to the council.


Water Activities


                All water activities, except for those conducted at council or district level events, must be approved by the Pack committee prior to conducting or attending the event. An adult leader that has the BSA Safe Swim Defense certification must present a plan in accourdance to the rules of The BSA Safe Swim Defense and Safe Guide to scouting prior to the event. Only those events that strictly adhere to those rules will be approved.


Council & District Leader Training


The REQUIRED Leader Training comprises four parts:

Youth Protection Training - Online – all positions

Cub Scout Leader Fast Start Training - Online - Leader Specific training, which is based on the leader's unit-level position.

Basic Indoor Leader Training - The sessions are delivered by our District in a one-day training event that incorporates all program areas.

Basic Outdoor Leader Training - The sessions are delivered by our District in a two-day camp based training event that incorporates all program areas. This is open to all but only required for Webelos Den Leaders and Assistants.

Our goal is to achieve 100 percent trained leaders.

Youth Protection Training – Online


Once you complete the online training submit a copy of completion to the Pack Training coordinator.

Fast Start Training – Online


Once you complete the online training submit a copy of completion to the Pack Training coordinator.

Basic Indoor Leader Training

Indoor Leader Training is conducted by the district twice a year. Basic Leader Training goes far beyond Fast Start training to give you the information you need to be a successful Leader.


Current training opportuninities in our district:

Cub Scout/Webelo/Scout Basic Indoor Training - Oct. 8th - 8:00am to 4:00pm, Kennesaw United Methodist Church - POC is Steve Kooyman at [email protected]

Copy the pack training coordinator on your email registration. Once you complete the training submit a copy of completion to the Pack Training coordinator.

Basic Outdoor Leader Training

Outdoor Leader Training is conducted by the district twice a year. Outdoor Leader Training goes far beyond Fast Start training and Indoor Leader Training to give you the information you need to participate in outdoor camping events.


Current training opportuninities in our district:

Cub Scout/Webelo Scout/Basic Outdoor Training - Oct. 29th - 7:00am to 5:00pm, Kennesaw United Methodist Church - POC is Steve Kooyman at [email protected]

Copy the pack training coordinator on your email registration. Once you complete the training submit a copy of completion to the Pack Training coordinator.


Other Training Opportunities

There are many BSA training opportunities beyond the basic classes listed above. The Mountain Lake District monthly roundtable is an excellent chance to not only continue your scouter training but also stay abreast of all opportunities within the district and council. The roundtable provides a forum to share new ideas and concerns and learn from those that have done it before.

Mountain Lake District roundtable in the 2nd Thursday night of each month from 7:30pm - 9pm at Kennesaw United Methodist Church in Kennesaw, GA.

Training opportunities are constantly changing and are also updated regularly on the Atlanta Area Council and the Mountian Lake district websites.


Mountain Lake District – Training Page (

Atlanta Area Council – Training Page (


Keep the pack training coordinator up-to-date on any advanced training you plan to take. Once you complete the training submit a copy of completion to the Pack Training coordinator.

Safety Swim Afloat/Safety Afloat Training - Online


Once you complete the online training print out 2 proof of completion certificates.  Make sure you print the proof of completion or you will have to take it again.  Keep one copy and submit the other form to the Pack Training coordinator.

Safe Swim Defense and Safety Afloat Training is required to be updated every two years.


Our 2005-2006 Pack Training Chair is:

Charles Hebert

[email protected]

Scouts with Disabilities



Although a boy might be disabled in body or mind, he is still a boy-no less and no more-and if he is capable of understanding the Cub Scout Promise and Law of the Pack, he may be a Cub Scout. Working with boys with disabilities might mean adapting or extending the ordinary program of activities in order to make it as enjoyable and worthwhile as possible.

Registration in Cub Scouting of boys over age 11 who are either mentally or physically disabled, including visually and hearing impaired and emotionally disturbed boys, is permitted, as is their participation in Cub Scout advancement while so registered.

What should we know about emotional disabilities? It is estimated that 20 percent of all children have emotional difficulties of some kind or to some degree.

I Want to Join

Some boys will seek you out and ask to join. But most, because of their disabilities, shyness, or restricted mobility, will depend on the interest and enthusiasm of others to introduce Cub Scouting to them. It might be their friends who are already Cub Scouts, or their parents who are seeking to enrich their life.

Spreading the news about the opportunities Cub Scouting offers to all boys is best done by people who are interested enough to let it be known that such boys are welcome in the pack. Every leader should make the effort. You might see a boy in the park or on the street in a wheelchair or in a leg brace. You might hear about a boy with a disability from other people. How you hear about such a boy isn't as important as what you do about it. Get in touch with him and invite him to join.

There Is a Place

Medical and rehabilitation opinion encourages children with disabilities to lead as normal a life as possible. Where it is possible to do so, many are absorbed into mainstream schools, although many are also in special schools. In Cub Scouting, we integrate boys with disabilities into ordinary packs whenever possible. And of course there are packs established in special schools or at hospitals for boys being treated there.

As a Cub Scout leader you might feel hesitant about facing the opportunity to accept a boy with a disability into your den or pack. But consider for a moment how a disability can in itself be a barrier to many activities enjoyed by other boys. This is true even when the boy has considerable skills, abilities, and moral strength. Scouting has, over the years, made thousands of boys happier than they would otherwise have been, by accepting them for what they are, what they can contribute, and by offering them the friendship and encouragement they need.

These guidelines will be helpful:

  1. Locate new boys by consulting school administrators, teachers, ministers, and public health officials.
  2. Be sure a medical assessment is made so you will know a boy's capabilities as well as his disabilities.
  3. Orient the boys, families, and leaders in your pack so the boy can enjoy a smooth entry into it.

Note: Reading Understanding Cub Scouts with Disabilities will help leaders understand how to work with the disabled boys in the pack.

Advancement and Recognition

The advancement program is so flexible that, with guidance, most boys can do the skills. Advancement requirements should not be watered down or eliminated for boys with disabilities, although the speed at which requirements are completed and the means of explaining them might need to be adjusted and simplified. It might take longer for a disabled boy to earn his awards, but he will appreciate them more by knowing he has made the effort. The standard for every boy is "Has he done his best?"

A Cub Scout who is physically disabled may be given permission by the Cubmaster and pack committee to substitute electives for a few of the achievement requirements that are beyond his abilities. It is best to include parents in this process of determining substitutions since they are most familiar with their son's abilities.

Immediate recognition of advancement is even more important for boys with disabilities. The Immediate Recognition Kit, the den doodle, and the Den Advancement Chart all help provide immediate recognition in den meetings as achievements and electives are completed. Remember that a month seems like a long time to a boy and that completing requirements for a badge might seem like forever to him. Be sure to give him periodic recognition at den meetings and prompt recognition at pack meetings when he earns a badge.

While leaders must be enthusiastic about helping youngsters with disabilities, they must at the same time fully recognize the special demands that will be made on their patience, understanding, and skill in teaching advancement requirements.

Cub Scout Activities

The aim of Cub Scouting for the boy with a disability is to keep everything as near normal as possible with a program designed to achieve its objectives to serve all boys.

One Cub Scout said: "I have epilepsy. What's your disability?" Right to the point! Every one of us has some type of disability-it might be a poor attitude, a poor sense of responsibility, or something else that keeps us from doing things other people can do. It helps to remember this when working with these special boys. What's your disability?

There are limitations to what a boy with a disability will be able to do, and he himself is aware of these. Boisterous games or activities that require vigorous physical stamina might be beyond his capability. He needs quiet encouragement and opportunities to do the things he can do. Such a boy could be given the job of assisting with the scoring or helping by acting as a judge or referee. Boys in wheelchairs can go on hikes, with some of the other boys taking turns as pushers.

One of the first steps in working with boys who have disabilities is to realize they are more like other boys than they are different. Find out their abilities as well as their limitations. Plan activities in which all boys can participate. These boys are just as eager for adventure as other boys, and they need challenges to have a satisfying experience.

So a new den member who has special needs should be welcomed into a den with other boys, and spend some time acquainting them with his disability. An awareness game is a good way to build understanding.

The Boy Scouts of America has several resources available to leaders of boys with disabilities. Including Understanding Cub Scouts with Disabilities.

Web Resources


Mountain Lake District – Our Northwest Cobb District (

Atlanta Area Council  (

Virtual Cub Leader's Handbook - Extends the content of the leader's guide, along with current policy updates (

Fast Start Training - The first step in training for all Cub Scout Leaders (

The Space Place - Earn Cub Scout achievements and electives at this NASA site (

National Office, BSA - The Internet home of the Boy Scouts of America (Official BSA site) (

Guide to Safe Scouting - Provides the rules and regulations for safely issues in the scouting program (Official BSA site) (

World Headquarters - Resources for all members of the scouting movement. (


Appendix – Files On CD

Pack353-Leader handbook 9-19-05.doc – This document

            Monthly Advancement.xls– Advancement Report due Monthly

Pack roster 091905.xls– Current Pack Rooster

Guide to safe scouting.htm

Pack 353 Leader Orientation.ppt


                 Pack Specific Documents

Pack 353 Parents Handbook.doc – Pack 353 Parent Handbook

            Pack 353 Meeting Plans -themes.doc – Leader Meeting planner with monthly themes and meeting responsabilities

            Pack 353 songbook - original.doc – Songbook – used at pack meetings and campouts

            Pack 353 Tiger Cub Den Planner.doc –  document with current themes and sample monthly tiger activities

            Pack 353 Den Planner.doc – A planning document with current themes and monthly activities included.


* Advancement Forms                        Advancement Spreadsheets

                                Cub Scout Record Form.pdf                              TigerTrax1.7.xls

                        Individual Tiger Cub Record.pdf                         Wolftrax1.9.xls

                        Tiger Cub Attendance and Dues.pdf                   Beartrax1.9.xls

                        Tiger Cub Den Records.pdf                               Webelostrax1.7.xls

                        Individual Cub Scout Record.pdf                                   BeltloopPintrax1.3.xls

                        Tiger Cub Advancement Report.pdf                   RecordTrax1.3.xls

                        Tiger Cub Den Meeting Programs.pdf

* Forms   


            District Short Term Camp-Activity Request Form-071403done.pdf

            Local Tour Permit.pdf

            CubScout Application.pdf

            Leader Application.pdf

            Medical-level1 & 2.pdf

* Meeting Planning Guides  



Cub den_meeting_program.pdf

* uniform Guides

                Cub & Webelos uniform inspection.pdf

* Leader Knot Forms

                Cub Scout Den Leader Award.pdf

            CubMaster Award.pdf

            Webelos Leader Knot.pdf

            Cub Scouter Award.pdf

            Tiger Den Leader Award.pdf

* Misc Documents

                age appropriate chart.pdf

            Complete Cub leader-roles.pdf