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Community Service

One reason Cub Scout Pack 353 exists is to provide service to the community in which we live. We have several local community service activities that we are involved in throughout the year. If you have a local community service project that you would like to be considered for Pack 353 to service, please bring it to your Den Leader.

MUST Ministries

Founded in 1971 and rooted in the Christian tradition, MUST addresses the basic needs of individuals, families, and children in the Marietta, Smyrna and other Cobb/Cherokee County communities. MUST brings people of many faiths together to respond to God’s challenge to minister to others with compassion and love, without judgment of the beliefs, background or circumstances of those who serve or of those being served. Did you know MUST gives out TEN barrels (2,000 lbs.) of food or 2,500 canned items every single day to feed the hungry in Cobb and Cherokee counties?

The Scouts of Pack 353 are asked to bring canned food donations to each Pack meeting to help keep the MUST Ministries cupboards stocked.

Great Lake Allatoona Cleanup

Once a year the Pack (along with other Scouts across North Georgia) participate in helping to clean up Lake Allatoona (See calendar for exact place and time). Each Pack/Troop is assigned an area to help clean up. The participants are given an Allatoona cleanup patch. This is a great way to teach our children about how to respect the environment.

Memorial Day Flag Placement

Each year, on the Saturday before Memorial day, the pack visits a cemetery to place small flags on the graves of veterans. This teaches our children to never forget those that laid down their lives for our country. (See calendar for exact place and time)

Flag Retirement

We collect old flags and retire them with the respect that Old Glory deserves.

Scouting for Food

In coordination with our charter organization, Burnt Hickory Baptist Church, we participate once a year in the nation wide Scouting for Food campaign. Scouts volunteer to hand out fliers at Sunday morning services then return a few weeks later to pick up the donated food. Scouts who participate receive a patch.

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